CSISAC participated in the Ministerial Session “The future of connectivity "
Dec 15, 2022
On Wednesday, December 14, Adriana Labardini Inzunza, member of CSISAC and Association for Progressive Communications, participated in the ministerial panel "The future of connectivity - investing in high-quality networks", in the framework of the OECD 2022 Ministerial Meeting, which is being held until December 16 in Gran Canaria, Spain.
The objective of the session was to discuss connectivity in the digital environment, its access, benefits and the challenges faced in its implementation.
The delegate spoke about the civil society approach to connectivity: "At CSISAC we are convinced that a true multistakeholder, sustainable, affordable, reliable digital ecosystem that leaves no one behind". In addition, the spokeswoman acknowledged that the future would be propitious for the advancement of connectivity to become a fact. "If States recognize this change of paradigm just like Mexico and Argentina did and Colombia has committed to recognize, then the next step is creating an enabling environment of rules and policies that allows these smaller players to thrive and contribute to closing the urban-rural gap among many others", she highlighted.
Finally, other recommendations to achieve a global integration to digital environments were mentioned, such as: Affordable access to spectrum, for community networks; Fair access to Universal Service Funds and other public resources for underserved communities to connect themselves; Open data with granular mapping of the different available infrastructures, mainly fiber PoP; among others.

The objective of the session was to discuss connectivity in the digital environment, its access, benefits and the challenges faced in its implementation.
The delegate spoke about the civil society approach to connectivity: "At CSISAC we are convinced that a true multistakeholder, sustainable, affordable, reliable digital ecosystem that leaves no one behind". In addition, the spokeswoman acknowledged that the future would be propitious for the advancement of connectivity to become a fact. "If States recognize this change of paradigm just like Mexico and Argentina did and Colombia has committed to recognize, then the next step is creating an enabling environment of rules and policies that allows these smaller players to thrive and contribute to closing the urban-rural gap among many others", she highlighted.
Finally, other recommendations to achieve a global integration to digital environments were mentioned, such as: Affordable access to spectrum, for community networks; Fair access to Universal Service Funds and other public resources for underserved communities to connect themselves; Open data with granular mapping of the different available infrastructures, mainly fiber PoP; among others.

Also participating in the event were: Sostenes Díaz González, Federal Telecommunications Institute of Mexico Commissioner; Wilhelm Eschweiler, Vice President, Bundesnetzagentur; Timo Harakka, Minister of Transport and Communications, Finland; Dohyun Kang, Deputy Minister of Science and ICT; Ayano Kunimitsu,Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications; Karim Lesina, EVP Chief External Affairs Officer; Konstantinos Masselos, EETT´s President; Bengt Molleryd, Senior analyst, Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS)