Stakeholder Day: CSISAC discusses Artificial Intelligence
CSISAC delegates spoke on Tuesday, December 13 at the "Artificial Intelligence Roundtable", in conjunction with BIAC, as part of the OECD 2022 Ministerial Meeting, which runs through December 16 in Gran Canaria, Spain.
During the meeting, key points were addressed that revolved around the application, regulation, and promotion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) both in civil society and around the world.
Rebecca Finley, CEO of Partnership on AI, addressed considerations and learnings about new technologies and said: "AI contributes to systems change globally. We must consider the risks and opportunities, we must focus on how we can take collective action on these transformations, an international and intraoperable solution is possible. We want to improve international practice in 2023."
On the other hand, Nicolas Miailhe, founder and president of The Future Society, remarked: "The first objective is to build a strong national AI strategy to be implemented, at least humbly we have recommended to integrate civil society." He also mentioned that Artificial Intelligence is advancing by leaps and bounds so "we have to learn a lot".
Finally, Vilas Dhar, President of the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation, concluded: "We have companies that have direct access to manufacture products that do not require government intervention. We need to think about bringing capabilities to all sectors. The private sector should not do it alone.
The meeting was moderated by Pam Dixon, Executive Director of the World Privacy Forum.

Other participants included: Jean-François Cases, Vice President of R&D Support and President of EONA-X; Karine Perset, Director of the OECD; Lucilla Sioli, Director of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Industry at the European Commission; Marc-Etienne Ouimette, Director of Global Artificial Intelligence Policy; Marko Grobelnik, Artificial Intelligence Researcher at the Jozef Stefan Institute; Nicole Primer, Senior Policy Director at BIAC; Nozha Boujemaa, Global Vice President of Digital Ethics at IKEA; Robert Kroplewski, Plenipotentiary to the Minister of Digital Affairs for the Information Society, Prime Minister's Chancellery.