08IGF Kyoto 2023
CSISAC will participate in two sessions organized by the OECD on Day 0 of the IGF Kyoto 2023.
• "Pursuing a Metaverse based on Democratic Values". This multi-stakeholder session will address approaches that can drive responsible innovation and the deployment of immersive technologies, such as the metaverse.• “Financing Broadband Networks of the Future to Bridge Digital”. This panel will explore the diversity of funding models and shed light on the financial landscape around connectivity infrastructure, ranging from submarine cables to fixed and mobile networks, and the different opportunities to leverage funds to connect people and things.
The IGF (Internet Governance Forum) is one of the most important fora in the field of Internet policy, where diverse stakeholders discuss a wide range of issues related to the Internet on an equal footing under the auspices of the United Nations.
1191st Session of the Committee on Digital Economy Policy
11 HS
Co-leaders Pam Dixon (World Privacy Forum) and Valeria Milanes (Asociación por los Derechos Civiles) will participate in the 91st Session of the Committee on Digital Economy Policy that took place at OECD Headquarters in Paris, France.
21CDEP Working Party: AIGO
CSISAC participates on CDEP´s Working Party on Artificial Intelligence Governance on April 20 and 21.
18CDEP Working Party: DGP
CSISAC participates on CDEP´s Working Party on Data Governance and Privacy in the Digital Economy on April 17 and 18.
14CDEP Working Party: CISP
CSISAC participates on CDEP´s Working Party on Communication Infrastructure and Services Policy on April 13 and 14.
13Ministerial: Trust in the digital space
16:15 UTC HS
This session sheds light on automated production of complex digital content and fake online human behaviour - and explores effective countermeasures. The speaker is Rebecca Finlay.
13Ministerial: The Internet at risk: Can the Global Internet Survive a Fragmented World?
10:00 UTC HS
This session will discuss political and technical risks to the future of the Internet as a single network of networks and policy makers role in keeping it unfragmented/maintaining the trust. The speaker will be Carlos Rey Moreno
13Ministerial: Joint stakeholder opening
15Ministerial: Advancing inclusive digital societies – divides and breaking down barriers
11:15 UTC HS
Workshop. The speaker is:
Y J Park.
15Ministerial: Digital technologies in the green transition: Friend or foe?
9:30 UTC HS
The speaker is:
Paz Peña.
15Ministerial: Fostering trust in cross-border data flows
9:30 UTC HS
The speaker is:
Burcu Kilic
14Ministerial: The future of simulated environments and immersive technologies
17:15 UTC HS
Workshop. The speakers are:
Bruno Bioni, Gemma Galdon Clavell.
14Ministerial: The future of connectivity – investing in high quality networks
17:15 UTC HS
The speaker is:
Adriana Labardini Inzunza
14Ministerial: Strengthening the foundations for digital security and services
17:15 UTC HS
The speaker is:
Charlotte Lindsey.
14Ministerial: The OECD AI Principles – impact on the global policy landscape
15:30 UTC HS
The speakers are:
Rebecca Finlay, Vilas Dhar.
14Ministerial: Rights in the digital age – building solid evidence
15:30 UTC HS
Workshop. The speaker is:
Valeria Milanes.
14Ministerial: Combatting misinformation and disinformation online
15:30 HS
The speaker is:
Carolina Botero.
14Ministerial: Conclusions from Going Digital III – Data Governance for Growth and Well-Being
11:30 UTC HS
On this occasion, the speaker is:
Pam Dixon.
13Ministerial: Artificial Intelligence
11:05 UTC HS
This session brings together business and civil society perspectives to the possibilities and challenges by the increasing use of AI. The speakers are:
Rebecca Finlay, Nico Miailhe, Vilas Dhar.
13Ministerial: Twin Transition - Green and Digital
This session will explore ways forward for how to build greener tech and apply tech for green. In this opportunity the speakers are:
Pam Dixon, Paz Peña, Sonigitu Ekpe, Burcu Kilic, Nicolas Miailhe, Adriana Labardini Inzunza, Stephanie Ifayemi, Bruno Bioni
13OECD Digital Economy Ministerial Meeting
CSISAC will participate in the OECD Digital Economy Ministerial Meeting, that will take place in Canary Islands, Spain, from 13 to 15 of December.
06Twin Transition Series - 6° Roundtable - North America
Thursday 6 Dec - 9-10am Pacific / 10-11am Arizona / 12-1pm Eastern / 2pm - 3pm ART
30Twin Transition Series - 5° Roundtable - Latin America
Wednesday 30 Nov - 1-2pm PET / 3pm-4pm ART/BRT / 10-11am US Pacific / 11am-12pm Arizona / 2-3pm US Eastern.
29Twin Transition Series - 4° Roundtable - Africa & MENA
2-3pm UTC HS
Tuesday 29 Nov - 3-4pm WAT / 4-5pm SAST / 5-6pm AST / 2-3pm GMT / 6-7am US Pacific / 7-8am Arizona / 10am-11am US Eastern / 11am - 12pm ART
28Twin Transition Series - 3° Roundtable - Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia & Oceania
Monday 28 Nov - 7:30-8:30am IST / 11am-12pm JST / 1pm-2pm AEDT / (Sunday) 6-7pm Pacific / (Sunday) 7-8pm Arizona / (Sunday) 10-11pm Eastern / 11pm - 12am ART
22Twin Transition Series - 2° Roundtable - Europe & UK
2-3pm UTC HS
Tuesday 22 Nov - 2-3pm GMT / 3-4pm CET / 6-7am US Pacific / 7-8am Arizona / 10-11am US Eastern / 11am - 12pm ART
10CDEP special session on the CDEP Ministerial Meeting
12 HS
On November 10, CSISAC will be participating in a CDEP special session on the CDEP Ministerial Meeting.
08Working Party on Artificial Intelligence Governance (AIGO)
CSISAC will participate at OECD Working Party on Artificial Intelligence Governance (AIGO) that will take place in Paris, France, on 8 - 9 November 2022.
17Twin Transition Series - 1° Roundtable
On Monday 17th the first roundtable of a series dedicated to the “Twin Transition” will take place. This first edition will count with the participation of members of the OECD Youth Wise, who will bring their perspective on the green and the digital transition.
A summary report with the key outputs from the roundtables will be published before the CDEP Ministerial meeting. -
107th DGP Working Party meeting
CSISAC will participate in the 7th DGP Working Party that will take place on October 11th.
2787th Session of the Committee on Digital Economy Policy
CSISAC will participate in the 87th Session of the Committee on Digital Economy Policy on september 27-28. It will be represented by Steering Committee members.